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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."~Margaret Mead  


There are many opportunities to volunteer with the Centennial PTA.  Just let us know what types of activities you are available (ex: at home projects, class projects, PTA Meetings, etc.). We will then contact you when opportunities are available. You are always welcome to contact us to find out what you can help with!  Please remember that you must be registered with VITAL Online  in order to volunteer in the classrooms and certain school activities. 

Log Your Volunteer Hours

Please make sure you log all of your volunteer hours, this includes projects that you work on at home.   It is important that everyone track their hours as we can use this to secure funding for school projects through grants and other financial assistance.  You may log your hours from your home computer or from the school kiosk (see instructions).   

Adding Hours From The Kiosk at School

  1. Scan your name badge
  2. Click "Go to the Kiosk Options Menu.
  3. Select "Log Hours"

Love Volunteers


Adding Hours From Home

  1. Visit the VITAL Online website to sign in using the username and password you set up when registering and filling out the background check:
  2. Under the "Volunteer" tab, click on the "-My Opportunities-" link where you can "Log time for opportunities I have worked, or I'm already matched to.".
  3. Scroll down on the page, past the "Matched Opportunities" and you'll see that there is a place where you can log hours w/ a date, time, comments (description of what you did) and hours volunteered.  You should also be able to see any hours that you have already logged and make any corrections if you find any errors.
  4. Under the "My Opportunities" you can click on an event that is either ongoing that you are volunteering for, such as "Classroom Help" or a specific event that has already occurred like "Ice Cream Social" or "PTA Meeting" and you can log your hours and add any specific comments such as "Mr. Raney's birthday treats" if you helped in the classroom w/ Birthday Treats.  This is really helpful if you forgot to log your hours.
  5. Feel free to explore around on the website to see that you can also look at other opportunities, pick those activities that you'd like to help out with, etc.  You can also update your volunteer info and profile from here, look at VITAL news re: volunteers, see announcements and many other things. 

Need Help?

Please email the Volunteer Coordinator, Calista Schuetz at with any questions regarding logging volunteer hours.