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Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention  

Response to Intervention (RtI) integrates assessment and intervention within a multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and to reduce behavior problems. With RTI, schools identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes, monitor student progress, provide evidence-based interventions and adjust the intensity and nature of those interventions depending on a student's responsiveness, and identify students with learning disabilities or other disabilities.
Centennial's six components of RtI :

  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Assessment and Use of Data
  • Problem-Solving Process (PST)
  • School Climate and Culture-PBS
  • Leadership
  • Family and Community Engagement (SAAC & PTO)

Benchmark Assessments are not only used to help determine individual students needs, but are also a requirement of Colorado Basic Literacy Act. The Thompson School District uses:

Acuity for 3rd through 5th grades-Pre-built, classroom-friendly Acuity Diagnostic and Predictive Assessments allow teachers to quickly diagnose student achievement and predict student outcomes while creating targeted instructional opportunities at the student and classroom levels. Acuity Predictive and Diagnostic Assessments are available for Grades 3ñ8 in reading/language arts, math, and science and are available for Grades 6ñ12 for Algebra.

DIBELS for kindergarten through 5th grades-The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy skills from kindergarten through sixth grade. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills.

DRA2 for kindergarten through 5th grades-The DRA2 helps educators identify students' reading achievement through systematic observation, recording, and evaluation of performance. They also analyze data, document progress, and communicate assessment information to administrators, parents, and students. And drive effective reading instruction tailored to critical intervention points derived from assessment results

These Benchmarks help determine interventions to use to enable maximum growth.

Some Literacy interventions used at Centennial Elementary are...
SIPPS  (Systematic Instruction in Phoneme Awareness, Phonics and Sight Words)SIPPS focuses on the early reading skills of: 1) Phoneme awareness - letter sounds, 2) Phonics - learning the sounds of letters and letter groups and understanding how words are broken into syllables, and 3) Sight Words - those words that may not follow phonics rules, but are words we must just know to become fluent readers.

SOAR TO SUCCESSSoar to Success is a program used to increase a student's reading comprehension.  The reciprocal teaching strategies of predictquestionclarify and summarize are used to be sure students are thinking more deeply about what is happening as they read, both in the books and in their own mind.  During and after reading books in Soar to Success, the students write well thought out answers to questions about the books.  Through the writing students recognize their understanding of the books or their need to think deeper.
READ NATURALLYRead Naturally is a program used to increase a student's reading fluency.  Fluency is a measure of how quickly and accurately a student can read aloud.  If a student struggles to be fluent as a reader they miss the point of what they are reading and become frustrated. During this program the students practice reading a leveled selection out loud.  First they read the selection aloud and time themselves to get a "cold read" score.  They then listen and read along with a CD.  The students then practice reading aloud on their own many times, they answer questions about the reading and write a summary and finally they read aloud to the teacher and are measured for a "hot read" score.  

To learn more about Response to Intervention, see the Essential Components of RtI - A Closer Look at Response To Intervention