PBiS Eagles Code
Eagles Code
This is the code of behavior called "Eagles Code" at Centennial Elementary School.
Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Fairminded
Centennial Becomes a Positive Behavior Support School
What is Positive Behavior Support (PBS)? PBS is a school-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support system that is a proactive, team-based framework for creating and sustaining safe and effective schools. Emphasis is placed on prevention of problem behavior, development of pro-social skills, and the use of data-based problem-solving for addressing existing behavior concerns. School-wide PBS increases the capacity of schools to educate all students utilizing research-based, school-wide classroom and individualized interventions.
What Are the Benefits of PBS?
All students can benefit from PBS: Research conducted over the past 15 years has shown that PBS is effective in promoting positive behavior in students and schools. Use of PBS as a strategy to maintain appropriate social behavior will make schools safer. Safer schools are more effective learning environments. · Schools that implement system-wide interventions also report increased time engaged in academic activities and improved academic performance. · Schools that employ system-wide interventions for problem behavior prevention indicate reductions in office discipline referrals of 20-60%. · Appropriately implemented PBS can lead to dramatic improvements that have long-term effects on the lifestyle, functional communication skills, and problem behavior in individuals with disabilities.
A review of research on PBS effectiveness showed that there was over a 90% reduction in problem behavior in over half of the studies; the problem behavior stopped completely in over 26% of the studies.
What will you see at CES? Centennial has a few positive behavior incentives including Golden Feathers. Individual students can earn these slips and select some rewards from a menu of items or choose to be entered into a drawing where 4 students can win a special family basket during our Awards Assembly. Also, the classrooms will be trying to earn the Eagle’s Soaring Higher status. As classes are noticed for displaying the Eagle’s Code, they can earn a letter of the code (SOAR) and try be one of the top three classes to earn the most “Soaring Higher” recognitions and be able to hold The Golden Eagle in their class until the next Awards Assembly. However, if a pattern of negative behavior exists with a student, parents will be contacted regarding a reflection form or even a discipline referral. These referrals help the school collect data in order to better support specific students, as well as monitor locations and times of the behavior in the school so that adjustments can be made. Our goal is prevention and to focus on the positive!